Q: If I make format to my hard disk, I will lose my registration data?
A: In this case we can provide you new registration data without extra fee.
Q: How can I buy a license for the current installed trial version?
A: You can register the trial version (which is available in our web-site) by following the instructions described in the purchase page: https://www.Diolkos3d.com/purchase
Q: How can I upgrade my current registered software?
A: First you must uninstall the current version from your PC. Then you must download (from our website) and install the current version of Trial. The trial version is activated as full version automatically.
Q: When the registration data expire?
A: We provide lifetime licenses
Q: Can I buy a program license by using a banking account?
A: You can buy a license of Diolkos by deposit money in our banking account. In this case you must contact with us for payment details.